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What to do as a pedestrian after you get hit by a car

May 17, 2019 | Car and Truck Accident Injuries, Injuries

Home » What to do as a pedestrian after you get hit by a car

Pedestrian Injury Lawyer, O'Fallon, ILA vehicle hitting you as a pedestrian is a scary experience. It can happen to anyone – in fact, nearly 6,000 pedestrians died from traffic crashes in 2017. Because of this risk, it is crucial to know how to respond after such an event. As pedestrian injury attorneys in O’Fallon, IL we wanted to offer these tips and words of caution.

When a car hits you, you need to take certain steps to protect yourself financially, medically and legally. Here are some suggestions on how to safeguard yourself after a pedestrian accident.

Immediate aftermath

There are certain matters to take care of at the scene of the accident:

• Remain calm and move to a safe area such as a sidewalk.
• Ask for the driver to stay, even if you do not notice any injuries right away.
• If the driver flees, take note of the make and model of the car as well as the license plate number.
• Contact the police and wait for them to arrive to create an accident report.
• Provide your complete account of what occurred to the police officer.
• Collect information from the driver and witnesses.
• Take a lot of pictures.
• Go to the emergency room or urgent care as soon as possible.

Handling as many of these details as possible will help the rest of the process go more smoothly.

Document your expenses

One surprising consequence of a pedestrian accident is how expensive it can be. Keep track of these expenses so you can request compensation for them later. Organize medical bills related to the injury, including co-pays, diagnostic costs and treatments. Collect receipts for any transportation you need to take as a result of the crash. Document wages you lose from taking time off of work.

Open a claim

You may be able to receive compensation for your injuries through the driver’s insurance provider. Start the claim sooner rather than later. Do not speak with the insurance company without getting legal guidance first, as you may say something that hurts your case.

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